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How Home Security Systems Prevent Burglaries

January 6, 2024

Home security systems protect homes around the world, and they're particularly effective in keeping a safe and secure property. You can certainly create a safe home by ensuring your doors are locked and taking reasonable precautions. However, the greatest level of safety will always come from installing a high-quality home security system. Let's discuss some of the ways they prevent burglaries.

They Easily Prevent Amateur Thievery

The presence of home security systems can deter thieves. When a home has its security measures apparent, such as the presence of cameras, a thief will often pass over that home in favor of another one nearby where there's no chance of getting caught on camera or by an alarm that will call in the police. In fact, SafeWise states that 60% of burglars targeting a home would be deterred by an alarm system. The loud noise the alarm emits will interrupt neighbors and passersby, causing a thief to quickly leave instead of entering the home and getting caught.

  • Delivery Guy on Camera

They Alert Authorities

One of a home security system's most valuable features is the recording that will occur when a thief attempts to break in. It may record the movements and appearances of the thief, which can aid in catching someone who is targeting your neighborhood.

In such cases, the video evidence may help the police make an arrest and assist the local government in prosecuting the thief. Even if the thief doesn't steal anything, the video evidence of their attempt to break in can help criminal prosecution.

According to Bankrate, homes without home security systems are 300 times more likely to experience a burglary than homes that do have them. For the reasons above, you may want to invest in a home security system, so call our team at Sentry Systems Inc. today to get started! We're happy to answer all your questions.

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